Equipment and software

Below is a list of equipment and software available through MSHL or its member institutions. Additionally, there are references to equipment and other resources accessible through external providers.

Some items require booking, while others are freely available online.


Artec 3D Scanner

Three scanners of different sizes are available, capable of capturing everything from the smallest details to entire buildings (for more details, visit the Artec website; follow the links for each scanner):

The scanners can be booked via To make a booking, you need to create an account using an email address from an Icelandic university or institution.

The purchase of the 3D scanners and software was funded by the Infrastructure Fund.

Lógó - Innviðasjóður

Podcast Equipment

High-quality podcast equipment is available for booking at the University of Iceland School of Humanities.

Insta 360

Camera and accessories for capturing 360-degree images.

Some examples of projects using 360-degree images can be found here.

The purchase was funded by the University of Iceland Equipment Fund.

More information.

Meta Quest 3

Meta VR headset including a charging station.

The purchase was funded by the University of Iceland Equipment Fund.

More information.

iPad Pro with Polycam

An iPad Pro with 500 GB storage, a keyboard, and a stylus, along with a large charging station.

The device is equipped with Polycam Pro, a 3D scanning app using photogrammetry. In Polycam, 3D images can also be shared and embedded in websites (similar to Sketchfab).

The purchase was funded by the University of Iceland Equipment Fund.



With Transkribus, handwritten documents can be transcribed, making them searchable or ready for publication. MSHL has developed two models for Icelandic handwritten text, which are available on Transkribus.

For larger projects, it is possible to apply for credits to process a large volume of handwritten documents.

The project was funded by the Infrastructure Fund.

Lógó - Innviðasjóður

Speech recognition

MSHL commissioned Tiro to develop speech recognition for older Icelandic recordings. Existing speech recognizers were unable to process old recordings, particularly those with significant background noise or spoken language that modern speech models could not interpret. This model complements other models available through Tiro.

The model was specifically designed for the Ísmús database, allowing users to search through recordings using speech recognition technology.

The project was funded by the Infrastructure Fund.

Lógó - Innviðasjóður

External parties

Language processing

At, it is possible toget access to language processing tools.  er hægt að fá aðgang að verkfærum til máltæknivinnslu.

Available Tools:

  •  Tokeniser from Miðeind ehf.
  • PoS Tagger – POS from The Language and Voice Technology Lab at the University of Reykjavík
  • Lemmatiser – Nefnir by Jón Friðrik Daðason
  • Hyphenation Tool – Skiptir from The Árni Magnússon Institute

Language technology solutions from Almannarómur

Almannarómur provides access to various language technology solutions, including:

  • Speech recognition
  • Speech synthesis
  • Machine translation
  • Automated text correction

Additionally, information on various language corpora is available.