The RÚV archive contains a vast collection of audio and video recordings with significant value for research. However, only a portion of the archive is currently available in digital format. The Infrastructure Fund supported the initial pilot phase of digitization by funding services from the Belgian company Memnon.

With this support, RÚV was able to send 12.000 tapes containing audio recordings from 1990 to 2005 for digitisation. The tapes were returned in September 2024, and RÚV continues its efforts to transfer archival materials into digital format.

While solutions for accessibility, such as addressing copyright and data protection concerns, are being developed, these materials can currently only be accessed at the RÚV Archive.
MSHL is working to improve access to these materials while ensuring IPR and GDPR compliance.
The RÚV Archive is widely used for research across the humanities and other academic fields.
- RÚV is also a member of Almannarómur, and its recordings contribute to the development of Icelandic language technology solutions.
This project was funded by the Infrastructure Fund.