Centre for Digital Humanities and Arts

The Icelandic Centre for Digital Humanities and Arts (MSHL/CDHA) provides access to tools, software, databases, and other infrastructure for research in the humanities and arts that relies on digital data and methods.

CDHA is a collaboration between 15 institutions with extensive knowledge and experience in the processing and manipulation of digital data. Together, the member institutions are committed to building a digital infrastructure for research in the humanities and arts, improving access to research data and developing digital research methods.

Here, you can find information on equipment and databases, book devices, or access digital data. Some resources are available directly through CDHA, while others are provided by member institutions or external sources.

CDHA was included in the Icelandic Roadmap for Research Infrastructures from 2020 to 2025.

Lógó aðidarstofnana MSHL

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